7. Review of problems and other interesting points

  1. 7.1. Installation of the UnixWare binary delivery
  2. 7.2. NAT-NAT build phase
  3. 7.3. DRA-NAT build phase
  4. 7.4. DRA-NAT validation, manually exercising commands and libraries
  5. 7.5. DRA-NAT validation phase, booting the kernel
  6. 7.6. DRA-NAT validation phase, VSX4
  7. 7.7. DRA-NAT validation phase, AIMIII
  8. 7.8. DRA-DRA phase

7.1. Installation of the UnixWare binary delivery

When installing the UnixWare system from the binary delivery, we faced one problem when installing optional packages such as nfs. This was due to corrupted entries in a file containing information about every file which is installed on the system through the packaging system, /var/sadm/intall/contents. Deleting the corrupted entries, removing the badly installed package and reinstalling it cured the problem.

7.2. NAT-NAT build phase

Very few problems were encountered during this phase. We had some troubles when building X11 & Motif, first because we had forgotten to customize a definition in a Makefile stating that we were using binaries for Motif and not building it from sources; secondly because two Makefiles were buggy. This had no impact on other project phases since the graphic system was not covered by DRA-NAT and DRA-DRA experiments.

7.3. DRA-NAT build phase

This phase was the longest and richest. We describe below the problems we had successively.

Use of the TenDRA compiler throughout the build process

In the first steps of the build procedure, just modifying the PATH environment variable was enough to use the TenDRA compiler as a pseudo cc compiler. These steps include the building of libraries and cross-environment tools, among which a new C compiler which was used as soon as it was built. From this stage, we had to modify the build procedure in order to substitute the freshly built compiler by a shell script which emulates a call to the new compiler by a call to the TenDRA tcc compiler.

In order to mimic the behavior of the compiler we want to replace, we had to pass an option to tcc to modify the search path for the system libraries. With this option tcc calls the UnixWare linker with information on the location of the libraries. Assuming that the TOOLS_REF variable contains the correct path for the current build tools, the option line we used was:


C-programming issues

Most issues related to poor ANSI conformance have been by-passed by using the tcc options -Xa -not_ansi -nepc.

However, in a few cases, we had to make minor changes in source files:

  • to avoid type promotion conflicts when a function was declared with the prototype notation, and defined using the K&R syntax. We changed the definition to use the prototype notation also.

  • to fix a mismatch in the number of arguments of a function, e.g. when such function was declared without argument and defined empty, but called with one argument.

  • to force the setting of __USLC__ preprocessor variable, which is set by default by UnixWare C compilers. We discovered this during the link-edit of a library, as some symbols were referenced but undefined.

Mapping special features of UnixWare compiler to TenDRA

Such features appeared through command line options which were local to some Makefiles, or through #pragma directives in sources.

Consider first a simple example: the normal option for producing position-independent code is -KPIC, for both UnixWare cc and TenDRA. However, a Makefile, responsible for building a shared library, was using -Kpic instead. This option was supported by UnixWare but ignored by TenDRA. This resulted in a fatal error at library link-edit time. A quick way to make TenDRA understand the -Kpic option is to create inside the TenDRA svr4_i386/env directory a file named K-pic by linking it to the existing file K-PIC.

The following two options of the UnixWare compiler can be ignored (e.g. filtered out): -Kno_host and -W0,-1c. The first one disables the inlining of some C standard functions, and the second tells the compiler to treat literal strings as constants. These two options correspond to the default behavior for TenDRA.

The UnixWare compiler supports a pragma directive, to disable some floating point optimization, termed fenv_access on. This directive was used in a module to raise a floating point exception at run-time rather than at compilation time. There is no equivalent option for TenDRA, and furthermore tcc would abort when such a source file was compiled. A fix was later supplied by DRA.

The #pragma weak directive of the native compiler supports nested references to symbols such as:

#pragma weak sym1 = sym2

#pragma weak sym2 = sym3

This rarely used feature was not correctly supported by TenDRA. This has been easily changed in the source code, and DRA will fix the problem.

UnixWare provides developers with a utility termed fur to reorder the functions in a relocatable object. This utility was used in Makefiles when building the shared version of libraries, and used to fail, complaining of missing function names. These functions appeared to be declared as static in sources, and in such case the TenDRA default behavior is to discard the related symbols. TenDRA supports a pragma directive to change this default behavior. For example #pragma preserve * will keep all symbols. As all library modules compiled with -KPIC option were concerned, we have modified the svr4_i386/K-PIC file already mentioned in this document, adding the line:

>STARTUP -f/andf/svr4_i386/env/static_pic.h

This static_pic file was then created, containing:

#pragma preserve *

Finally, we mention a difference between the native compiler and the TenDRA one which had no incidence but a warning message at link-edit time. tcc generates an alignment of 8 for global structures whose size is greater than 63, while the native compiler always use an alignment of 4; when linking an object file compiled by the native compiler and an object file compiled by TenDRA which both declare the same structure, the linker issued a warning.

7.4. DRA-NAT validation, manually exercising commands and libraries

The first level of validation we performed on the commands built in DRA-NAT mode was to use these commands to replace the native ones. We simply did this by modifying the PATH environment variable. Two errors, inside the vi command, were detected, and then fixed, during these tests.

We exercised in the same way the DRA-NAT version of the shared libc library. This validation revealed problems with grep, sed, and the search subcommand of vi, cpio and find. When investigating the grep command, it appeared that using the DRA-NAT static version of the libc library solved the problem. Thus we focused on the generation of position-independent code (-KPIC option) by the TenDRA compiler. We reported a bug to DRA, which was fixed in the subsequent release of the TenDRA software. Rebuilding the shared libc library with the new version of the TenDRA compiler fixed the problems for the grep, vi and find commands. The sed command still did not behave correctly and needs further investigation. The problem with cpio was due to a mistake in our procedure for switching from the native version of the shared libc library to the DRA-NAT version: we forgot to take into account the file /usr/lib/libdl.so.1 together with the file /usr/lib/libc.so.1, while these two files are linked. This point was discovered after looking at the Makefile of the cpio command (local libraries used here include libld).

7.5. DRA-NAT validation phase, booting the kernel

Despite the fact that the kernel is a complex and sensitive part of the system, we found only two problems while exercising kernels with more and more DRA-NAT built components.

The first problem we had was a PANIC message when running a kernel with some DRA-NAT code. Using the crash command on the dumpfile file created at system crash time, we located the problem in a call to a function coded in assembly language. The comments embedded in the source file told us that the code was making special assumptions on the arguments and return value, which appeared to be compiler-dependant. Instead of rewriting the code, we recompiled with the native compiler the few C modules which were calling this function.

The second problem we had did more damage to the system disk (some configuration files became corrupted). We managed to repair these files using the Emergency Recovery floppies and making comparisons with our second platform (which had been carefully kept away from risky experiments). The problem was due to a small difference between code generated by the native compiler and the TenDRA compiler, which would have usually no incidence. When a global variable is defined and initialized to zero, the native compiler puts it in a DATA section while the TenDRA compiler puts it (by default) in a COMMON section. During the build of the kernel, a utility was used to patch the value of such a variable inside an object file, and this operation failed (silently) when the object file had been created by TenDRA. The TenDRA installer comes with an install-time option -h which makes it behave like the native compiler in respect to this point.

7.6. DRA-NAT validation phase, VSX4

We used the VSX4 test suite to exercise the TenDRA technology in three successive steps.

Firstly, we built the VSX4 tests with the TenDRA compiler and the static DRA-NAT system libraries. Then we ran the tests on a system with a native kernel.

Secondly, we ran the tests built in the previous step on a system with a DRA-NAT kernel.

Finally, we rebuilt the VSX4 tests, with the TenDRA compiler, on a system with shared DRA-NAT system libraries (when available) and a DRA-NAT kernel, and ran the suite on the same system.

During these three steps, the PATH environment variable was giving access exclusively to DRA-NAT built commands. Only a few commands are actually exercised by the VSX4 test suite: ar, awk, grep, ld, lorder, make, sed, sh, tsort (...) at build time, cpio, gencat and tar at execution time.

Five libraries are required, thus exercised, to build the VSX4 tests for UnixWare: libc, libm, libmalloc, libgen and libcrypt. A dynamically-linked variant exists for libc and libcrypt only.

Surprisingly enough, none of the problems we had were located in the DRA-NAT build being validated. All the VSX4 tests (approximately 6,000) successful when using native system were also successful on the DRA-NAT system. However, we faced three other types of problems:

  • Tests failing because of wrong permission on a work directory; this simply came from the way we created a new target tree for VSX4 test binaries.

  • Unclean code in test source. For example, the volatile qualifier of a variable was missing, though the varaible was modified by a signal handler and tested inside a while loop. Since optimizations are enabled by default in TenDRA, this test failed when compiled by tcc. There were two other tests which failed because of undesirable optimizations made by the TenDRA optimizer.

  • The static and shared variant of the libc library does not behave the same in some cases. 14 tests failed when using the static version of the libc library (native or DRA-NAT), which passed when using the shared libc library.

7.7. DRA-NAT validation phase, AIMIII

Due to a yet unexplained problem occurring when exercising either native or DRA-NAT systems, AIMIII benchmark results have only been obtained up to a load of 63 users.

When running the benchmark, we tried to use an environment as stable as possible. We installed the benchmark on a local file system, used only for this purpose, and disabled the cron daemon. However, we had noticeable differences (peak difference up to 15%) between the results of two equivalent runs at a small user load (1-10 users), while such differences drop to 1% at a load of 60 users.

To avoid side effects when measuring performance, we have always used the native compiler to compile the benchmark. The latter has to be linked only with the libc library, and we have used the shared variant. Exercising the DRA-NAT build requires booting the DRA-NAT kernel and setting up the DRA-NAT version of the dynamically-loaded libc.

Given these assumptions, native and DRA-NAT systems have similar performance: within a load range of 20-60 users, differences are below 3%.

7.8. DRA-DRA phase

A first experiment on very simple commands (echo, touch), showed that the base API on which the commands were built was a mix of the svid3 and xpg4 APIs. In fact, 57 commands, out of more than 600, were based on this base API. When we tried to extend this API to cover more commands, it quickly became apparent that most of the commands need their own extension to the base API. Thus, each additional command requires a lot of work in order to compile in DRA-DRA mode. During the time of the experiment, we could only extend the API to cover about 100 commands.

We list below miscellaneous problems we encountered, which required some modification in source files:

  • Implicit function declarations

    We wanted to suppress all the warnings due to missing function prototypes for the commands we worked on. This was important in order to make sure that every function used by a command was in the interface we defined. However, in most of the commands we worked on, internal functions returning an int were not declared. So, we had to add their declaration in the source files in order to suppress warnings on these functions. When this was done, remaining warnings were due to use of functions without inclusion of the include files where they were defined, or to incomplete include files, in which case we added the prototype to the interface.

  • Redeclaration of errno

    In a few source files, errno was defined as a token by the inclusion of the <errno.h> include file, but was also defined in the file with the instruction:

    extern int errno;

    Since errno can be implemented in different ways on different architectures, it must not be declared as an int variable. This problem has been corrected by removing this declaration from the source file.

  • Redefinition of API functions

    In a few cases, a function was declared in an include file as being part of the API, e.g rewind, but was later defined in the file. We corrected the problem by renaming the internal function so that the conflict does not exist any longer.