2. Reserved diagnostic TOKENs

  1. 2.1. ~exp_to_source
  2. 2.2. ~diag_id_source
  3. 2.3. ~diag_type_scope
  4. 2.4. ~diag_tag_scope

Reserved TOKENs were used for diagnostic extensions to EXPs, to avoid adding new constructs the contents of an existing UNIT. All other parts of the diagnostic system occur in other UNITs.

2.1. ~exp_to_source

body:            EXP sh
from:            SOURCEMARK
to:              SOURCEMARK
           -> EXP sh

Records that the EXP body arose from translating program between SOURCEMARK from and SOURCEMARK to (inclusive).

2.2. ~diag_id_source

body:            EXP sh
name:            TDFSTRING(k, n)
access:          EXP POINTER(al)
type:            DIAG_TYPE
           -> EXP sh

Within the EXP body a variable named name of DIAG_TYPE type can be accessed via the EXP access.

2.3. ~diag_type_scope

body:            EXP sh
name:            TDFSTRING(k, n)
type:            DIAG_TYPE
           -> EXP sh

Within the EXP body a source language type named name of DIAG_TYPE type is valid.

2.4. ~diag_tag_scope

body:            EXP sh
name:            TDFSTRING(k, n)
type:            DIAG_TYPE
           -> EXP sh

This TOKEN is obsolete.