11. Tokens and APIs

In Chapter 1 we mentioned that one of the main problems in writing portable software is the lack of separation between specification and implementation of APIs. The TenDRA technology uses the token syntax described in the previous sections to provide an abstract description of an API specification. Collections of tokens representing APIs are called interfaces. Tchk can compile programs with these interfaces in order to check applications against API specifications independently of any particular implementation that may be present on the developer's machine.

In order to produce executable code, definitions of the interface tokens must be provided on all target machines. This is done by compiling the interfaces with the system headers and libraries.

When developing applications, programmers must ensure that they do not accidentally define a token expressing an API. Implementers of APIs, however, do not want to inadvertently fail to define a token expressing that API. Token definition states have been introduced to enable programmers to instruct the compiler to check that tokens are defined when and only when they wish them to be. This is fundamental to the separation of programs into portable and unportable parts.

When tokens are first introduced, they are in the free state. This means that the token can be defined or left undefined and if the token is defined during compilation, its definition will be output as TDF.

Once a token has been given a valid definition, its definition state moves to defined. Tokens may only be defined once. Any attempt to define a token in the defined state is flagged as an error.

There are three more token definition states which may be set by the programmer. These are as follows:


The token is not defined and must not be defined. Any attempt to define the token will cause an error. When compiling applications, interface tokens should be in the indefinable state. It is not possible for a token to move from the state of defined to indefinable;


The token must be defined during the compilation. If no definition is found the compiler will raise an error. Interface tokens should be in the committed state when being compiled with the system headers and libraries to provide definitions;


any definition of the token that is assigned during the compilation of the program will not be output as TDF;

These token definition states are set using the pragmas:

#pragma token-op token-id-list?



	. member-designator

The token-id-list is the list of tokens to which the definition state applies. The tokens in the token-id-list are identified by an identifier, optionally preceded by TAG. If TAG is present, the identifier refers to the tag name space, otherwise the macro and ordinary name spaces are searched for the identifier. If there is no dot-list present, the identifier must refer to a token. If the dot-listis present, the identifier must refer to a compound type and the member-designator must identify a member selector token of that compound type.

The token-op specifies the definition state to be associated with the tokens in the token-id-list. There are three literal operators and one context dependent operator, as follows:

As an example of an extension API, consider the POSIX stdio.h. This is an extension of the ANSI stdio.h and uses the same tokens to represent the common part of the interface. When compiling applications, nothing can be assumed about the implementation of the ANSI tokens accessed via the POSIX API so they should be in the indefinable state. When the POSIX tokens are being implemented, however, the ANSI implementations can be assumed. The ANSI tokens are then in the ignored state. (Since the definitions of these tokens will have been output already during the definition of the ANSI interface, they should not be output again.)

The interface operator has a variable interpretation to allow the correct definition state to be associated with these `base-API tokens'. The compiler associates a compilation state with each file it processes. These compilation states determine the interpretation of the interface operator within that file.

The default compilation state is the standard state. In this state the interface operator is interpreted as the no_def operator. This is the standard state for compiling applications in the presence of APIs;

Files included using:

#include header

have the same compilation state as the file from which they were included.

The implementation compilation state is associated with files included using:

#pragma implement interface header

In this context the interface operator is interpreted as the define operator.

Including a file using:

#pragma extend interface header

causes the compilation state to be extension unless the file from which it was included was in the standard state, in which case the compilation state is the standard state. In the extension state the interface operator is interpreted as the ignore operator.